Anyone interested in environmental and resource economics and management can become an Active Member of the Association for one fiscal year (from 1 July till 30 June of the following year) upon paying the annual membership fee of the Association for the relevant period.
Any Active Member has the rights to participate in congresses and symposia that the Association holds, to vote for Association’s officers and be voted as an office of the Association, and to participate in other specific activities hold by Association.
- US$15 for those with an annual personal income less than US$15,000
- US$30 for those with an annual personal income between US$15,000 and US$30,000
- US$60 for those with an annual personal income between US$30,000 and US$60,000
- US$90 for those with an annual personal income US$60,000 and above

To become an Active Member and to pay the annual membership fee, please fill out the registration form below.
Anyone who was an Active Member, but not paying the annual membership fee for the current fiscal year, is considered as a Lifetime Member of the Association.